2017- Kanemitsu
WR series
WR シリーズはウィンザーチェアーの構造的な特徴を 取り出して、ラタン素材でリデザインしたシリーズです。 曲げやすいラタンの特徴を活かした大きな背もたれは、 身体をやさしく包み込み、空間に華やかな雰囲気をつくりだします。座面はメンテナンス時に交換出来るように取り外しが可能です。
WR series provide products with rattan materials re-designed by extracting structural characteristics of Windsor chair. Taking advantage of properties of the rattan easy to be bent, the large back support creates a space with attractive atmosphere by gently embracing your body. Seating face is detachable so that it can be replaced at the time of maintenance.
Brand : TOU
Design Period : 2018
Photo : Takumi Ota
SR series
The SR series reinterprets the simple and stoic structural beauty of Shaker type furniture using rattan material. The line harmonizes with a variety of spaces, and is a standard rattan furniture that is light-weight and easy to handle. The seat of the chair can be exchanged upon maintenance.
Brand : TOU
Design Period : 2017
Photo : Takumi Ota
This is a special product used for keeping old newspapers and magazines. By pulling around a string through the slit in the square, it is possible to tie up the bundle when it is still in the device. Through the simple and clean shape the design looks appealing even when its empty.
One Off
Design Period:2007
Photo:Takumi Ota
SKY GARDEN HOUSEのためにデザインされた屋外用のソファ。PVCコードを利用した編み込みのソファ。クッションは水が通過しやすい特殊ウレタンと耐候性ファブリックを使い、屋外用ながら屋内用のような快適性をもったソファになっている。
This is an outdoor lounge sofa, especially designed for the Sky Garden House in Tokyo. Neatly woven PVC cords construct the sofa base, and the weather resistant fabric are used for the cushions which allows it to get as comfortable as indoor furniture.
One Off
Design Period:2011
By rotating the metal frame that supports the structure, the height of the shelf can be arranged either in a horizontal or vertical way (exactly A4 and A5 size). Because of its modularity in its structure various combination can be made to fit in perfectly in to the living area.
One Off
Design Period:2009
Photo:pips daichi misonoo