2008-2015 Marumo Printing
Stand-alone WORLD MAP
A world map that you can stand it on a table like a folding screen.By smoothing out the creases, it can be used as a wall map. This map is drawn on the equidistant cylindrical projection.
Brand : geografia
Design Period:2015
Photo:Ryoukan Abe
TEKKI gift package
Gift Packaging in the shape of a bird cage. It is designed to fit in exactly three boxes. To open the gift package the cage has to be ripped and lifted to set the birds free.
Design Period:2012
Award : Japan Package Design Award 2013
Photo:Ryoukan Abe
buona pesca
東日本大震災の被災地のアイデンティティとなるような材料を生み出す試み。テキスタイルは被災地での雇用創出を目的としてデザインされた。網にかかった魚のイラストは、スイス在住のデザイナーAOI HUBERによるもの。漁師の奥さんたちを中心にしたつくり手が親しみを持って仕事ができるような「大漁 / buonapesca」をコンセプトにした。buonapescaバッグは、「肩かけ」と「手さげ」2種の持ち方が1つになったデザイン。シンプルな縫製で完成するように設計されている。
This is a product line created for ISHINOMAKI LABRATORY, that was initially founded to help people in need after the great TOHOKU earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Japan, in March 2011. Ishinomaki is a seaside town and fishing is a large part of their identity. To give the people hope and strength to live on, swiss designer Aoi Huber has created illustrations showing fish from this region caught in a net, which stands for a big catch/ buona pesca, a homage to all fishermen from that region.DRILL DESIGN organized and directed this project and designed the ‘Buona pesca’ bag which is a design solution to combine a shoulder with a tote bag by simple sewing as fisherman’s wife’s side job.
illustration : AOI HUBER
Design Period:2011-
Photo : Ryoukan Abe
Brand : Kaminokousakujo
A packaging design for an eraser by a 200-years-old office supply manufacturer. By refreshing the first logo of the company, it was possible to convey their long tradition. The chosen colors are a well-balanced combination of a traditional and modern style. This products shall be cherished for a lifetime with its universal friendly design.
[Package Design]
Design Period:2009
Award : Package Design Award 2013
This is a new packaging design trying to improve the commonly used plastic bags for wet sheets. With a three dimensional structure by wrapping around a paper strip, the wrinkles created by sealing the opening can be prevented. With this little innovation the packaging will keep the wet sheets moist from evaporating.
Design Period:2006
Award : Japan Package Design Award 2013